How I Met My Husband Alice Munro Read Online

Alice Munro is considered i of the modern masters of the short story. Hither are some of her stories in alphabetical order of the first word of the title, excluding "A", "An", or "The".

The Bear Came Over the Mount

Fiona, seventy-years-old, is preparing to leave habitation for proficient. A little over a twelvemonth agone, she started leaving lilliputian notes around the house identifying the contents of drawers. Her husband, Grant, takes her to the facility in January. Fiona remembers many things from her past so he wonders if she really needs to get.

Boys and Girls

The narrator relates a time from her babyhood. Her male parent is a flim-flam farmer; he raises foxes , skins them, so sells the skins to fur traders. The narrator helps her begetter with some of the related chores. She prefers this work to helping around the house. She keeps hearing that she will presently do more around the house and behave in a more than girl-like manner.

Child's Play

Marlene, the adult narrator, tells the story of her time at army camp with her friend Charlene when they were almost ten-years-former. While sharing information with each other, Marlene tells her near Verna, a girl two or three years older who moved in adjacent to her. Verna was unlike; she was in a special grade at school. Marlene didn't similar her. Some unstated tragedy had occurred in her childhood.

Read "Child's Play"

Day of the Butterfly

Helen remembers Myra, a girl from her Grade Six grade. Myra is the target of ridicule and bullying, and doesn't play with the other girls. Ane mean solar day Helen catches upwardly with Myra as they're walking to school. They accept a friendly talk. Helen is worried that this small bond with Myra will injure her social standing.

The Plant Gunkhole

The Wawanash River overflows its banks every bound. Eva and Ballad wade into the h2o with some boys from school. They observe a damaged rowboat. The boys lug it to a backyard and fix it upwards.

Complimentary Radicals

Nita's husband, Rich, just died at fourscore-one. She'south sixty-two. People checked in on her at starting time. She doesn't want any interference; she hasn't even told everyone near the death. Rich died outside the hardware store. Nita didn't take a proper funeral for him. Nita had been diagnosed with cancer. She was supposed to dice first.

Friend of My Youth

The narrator recounts the life of Flora Grieves. She lived on a subcontract with her sister, Ellie, and her blood brother-in-law, Robert. She tells us how the business firm and work was divided, how Ellie and Robert came to exist married, and how Flora responded to the many changes in her life.

Read "Friend of My Youth"

How I Met My Hubby

The narrator, Edie, tells the story of her first task. She was fifteen. The Peebles bought a house exterior of town. She helped look after the children. 1 day a plane flew right over the house and landed across the street. The airplane pilot, Chris Watters, goes from town to town giving plane rides for a dollar. Edie meets him when the family is away.

"I was fifteen and abroad from home for the first fourth dimension. My parents had made the effort and sent me to loftier schoolhouse for a year, but I didn't like it."

Read "How I Met My Husband"

Miles City, Montana

A wife, husband, and their two young daughters are driving to visit the grandparents in Ontario. The married woman, who is the narrator, remembers an incident from her childhood when a local boy drowned. During the bulldoze, there are some squabbles and the family gets very hot, causing them to look for a cool spot to take a break.

Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Kidd

Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Kidd live at Hilltop Dwelling, a nursing facility. They accept known each other for eighty years. They have stayed fairly close, even though there are many differences between them. Their daily routine changes with the arrival of a new resident, Jack, a fifty-nine-twelvemonth-old who tin can't speak due to a stroke.

An Ounce of Cure

The narrator remembers her starting time love as a teenager. She dated Martin Collingwood for ii months before he broke upward with her. She is in misery for months. When she gets a job babysitting for the Berrymans, she finds some liquor and decides to accept a drink.


Prue lived with Gordon when he left his wife for xvi months. After he got a divorce, they lived together on and off. Prue is likable and looks on the bright side, not taking the disappointments of life and relationships too seriously. The possibility arises to proceed her relationship with Gordon.

Crimson Dress—1946

A thirteen-year-onetime daughter is going to be attending a Christmas trip the light fantastic. Her mother is making her a new cherry-red dress, merely she is condign self-conscious virtually wearing homemade clothes. She is awkward and uncomfortable at schoolhouse and doesn't wait to do well in the social temper of the trip the light fantastic toe.

Imperial Beatings

Rose lives with her male parent and stepmother in a poor surface area. Her stepmother relates the story of a local man who gets attacked. She also threatens Rose with a "imperial beating."

This is the start story in the preview ofAlice Munro's All-time: Selected Stories.(25% into preview)

The Shining Houses

Mrs. Fullerton has lived in the aforementioned business firm for over forty years. She is standoffish with her neighbors. She sells eggs and is self-sufficient. Her house is sometime and sick-kept. Newer houses are being built around it, and her neighbors want her house renovated or torn down.

Thanks for the Ride

2 young guys drive into a pocket-size town looking for some girls to spend the weekend with. They encounter Adelaide and then go to the dwelling of her friend Lois, and come across her family.

Read "Thanks for the Ride"


Jackson is on a train nearing his hometown. He'southward returning later on the war. As the train slows for a turn, he jumps off and starts walking in the opposite direction. He happens upon a farmhouse owned by Belle. She's at that place alone; her place is run-down. He agrees to build a new horse trough to repay her hospitality.

The Turkey Flavour

The narrator looks back on her time every bit a fourteen-year-old working a Christmas job at the Turkey Barn. She was a gutter. The foreman, Herb, taught her the job. He was a good worker and a bit of a mystery.


The narrator remembers an incident from when she was virtually ten. She and her mother went to a trip the light fantastic at a house on their street. Her mother wasn't as satisfied with life as her father was. She didn't forge social connections easily—she was pushy and used unusual expressions. There are a few people at the dance who stay on the narrator's mind for some fourth dimension.

Walker Brothers Cowboy

After going broke, the Jordan family unit moves to the poor side of town. One twenty-four hours the narrator, a young girl, goes with her father, now a door to door salesman, on some of his sales calls.

Wenlock Edge

The narrator is going to college. She lives in a rooming house with a few other students. Every other Sunday she goes to dinner with her female parent'due south bachelor cousin, Earnest. Her new roommate, Nina, has a complicated history. Her movements are watched past Mrs. Winner on behalf of Mr. Purvis, who has helped her out.

A Wilderness Station

Simon and George Herron, brothers, become into the wilderness of Huron to set their own abode. They clear the country and build a log shanty. It's a hard life with no luxuries. When they stop, Simon thinks it's time to get a wife to look subsequently the domestic duties. With his minister'southward endorsement, he writes an orphanage asking if at that place are any marriageable girls who'd be interested. That'south how he meets Annie.


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