The Writing Course the Radically Easy Way to Learn to Write by Ear

Kanji are classified in kanji dictionaries according to their main components which are called radicals (roots) in English and 部首 (ぶしゅ) in Japanese. 部 (ぶ) means a group and 首 (しゅ) means a chief (head/neck). There are 214 historical radicals derived from the 18th century Kangxi dictionary.

Every kanji without exception only has one radical / 部首 (ぶしゅ). Each radical has a meaning(s) and lends its meaning(s) to the kanji of which it is part. Please take a look at the examples below. The right part of these three kanji is the same but the left part is different. The left part of these kanji is their radical. Note how each radical imparts its meaning to the kanji:

時:  The radical of this kanji is 日 (sun, day, time). The meaning of this kanji is "time."
詩:  The radical of this kanji is 言 (words, to speak, say). The meaning of this kanji is "poetry, poem".
持:  The radical of this kanji is 扌(hand). The meaning of this kanji is "to hold".

For this reason it is very important to learn each kanji's radical, as well as the meaning(s) of its radical. Not all 214 radicals are in use in current Japanese but you will soon become familiar with the most important ones and their variants.

There are no official Japanese names for radicals. But there are certain commonly-used names. That is why you will find differences in the Japanese names for the radicals on different websites and dictionaries.

Radicals are categorized into seven main groups according to their position within a kanji. Please note that some kanji are also radicals in and of themselves (such as 大, 日, 月). In those cases, the kanji and the radical are one and the same, and thus the position of the radical in the kanji is irrelevant. As a result they do not fall into any one of the seven categories.

へん (hen) radical left position へん Radicals on the left side of the kanji
つくり (tsukuri) radical right position つくり Radicals on the right
かんむり (kanmuri) radical top position かんむり Radicals on the top
あし (ashi) radical bottom position あし Radicals on the bottom
かまえ (kamae) radical enclosed position くにがまえ
radical enclosed position ぎょうがまえ
radical enclosed position けいがまえ
radical enclosed position はこがまえ
radical enclosed position つつみがまえ
radical enclosed position きがまえ
radical enclosed position もんがまえ
Radicals which enclose the kanji
たれ (tare) radical top-left position たれ Radicals which "hang down"
にょう (nyou) radical bottom-left position にょう Radicals which wrap around the bottom of a character

With our web application ( you can search for kanji by radical name, stroke, meaning or position using the Advanced Search syntax (for example, rjn:miru or rjn:みる to search by Japanese name, rs:7 to search by stroke number,rem:see to search by English meaning, and rpos:かんむり or rpos:tsukuri to search for kanji by the position of the radical). Please consult our User Guide to learn about additional search options.

Tip:By default, the radicals in the list below are presented in ascending stroke order. However you can also focus on a specific stroke number or look for individual radicals by using the "Search" field at the top of the table. Alternatively you can click on a column heading to sort the entire table by that heading. This is also a good way to focus on just the most important radicals. Clicking on the "a variant of.." link scrolls the page to the original version of that radical.

Tip: You can also use the table's own search field to search/filter radicals by position. Use the radical positions table as a reference. For example, to view all radicals in the "hang down" position, type たれ or "tare" into the search field. To avoid ambiguities amongst the different kinds of "enclosed" radicals, search for these in hiragana. Placing your mouse pointer over any position symbol in the radical table reveals its Japanese name.

Fonts: Many of the radical characters shown on this list are not supported by the Japanese fonts widely used on Windows, OS X or Linux (some not even in Unicode). For these reasons we created Japanese Radicals, an open-source font derived from Source Han Sans with 60 custom glyphs which add support for every Japanese radical and variant. The font is freely available for private or commercial use.

Tip: If you'd like a copy of the radicals tables in a format better suited for printing or if you'd like to re-use this data in another application, please visit our open-source repository on GitHub. Most of the language data and media files used in Kanji alive are freely available under a Creative Commons CC-BY license.

Stroke# Radical Position Meaning Reading Notes Importance
1 one, horizontal stroke いち
1 vertical stroke たてぼう
1 dot てん
1 diagonal sweeping stroke
1 かんむり Radical on the top diagonal sweeping stroke のかんむり a variant of ⼃(の)
1 the second おつ
1 the second おつ a variant of ⼄(おつ)
1 vertical stroke with a hook はねぼう
2 two
2 かんむり Radical on the top lid, top なべぶた Important
2 person ひと
2 へん Radical on the left person にんべん a variant of ⼈(ひと) Important
2 𠆢 かんむり Radical on the top person ひとやね a variant of ⼈(ひと) Important
2 あし Radical on the bottom human legs ひとあし Important
2 to enter いる
2 eight はち
2 eight はちがしら a variant of ⼋(はち)
2 けいがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji to enclose けいがまえ
2 かんむり Radical on the top cover, crown わかんむり Important
2 へん Radical on the left ice にすい
2 つくり Radical on the right table きにょう
2 かんむり Radical on the top wind かぜかんむり a variant of ⼏(きにょう)
2 にょう Radical which wraps around the bottom container, open box かんにょう
2 knife, sword かたな
2 つくり Radical on the right knife, sword りっとう a variant of ⼑(かたな) Important
2 power ちから
2 つつみがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji to wrap つつみがまえ
2 つくり Radical on the right spoon さじ
2 はこがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji box はこがまえ
2 はこがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji to conceal, hide かくしがまえ
2 ten じゅう
2 oracle ぼく
2 つくり Radical on the right stamp, seal ふしづくり
2 たれ Radical which 'hangs down' cliff がんだれ Important
2 private, Katakana Mu
2 again, right hand また
3 mouth くち
3 へん Radical on the left mouth くちへん a variant of ⼝(くち) Important
3 くにがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji border, territorial boundaries くにがまえ Important
3 earth つち
3 へん Radical on the left earth つちへん a variant of ⼟(つち) Important
3 man, scholar, samurai さむらい
3 かんむり Radical on the top man, scholar, samurai さむらいかんむり a variant of ⼠(さむらい)
3 to follow のまた
3 あし Radical on the bottom to go slowly なつあし
3 evening ゆうべ
3 large, big だい
3 woman おんな
3 へん Radical on the left woman おんなへん a variant of ⼥(おんな) Important
3 child, son
3 へん Radical on the left child, son こへん a variant of ⼦(こ) Important
3 かんむり Radical on the top roof, house うかんむり Important
3 inch, (2.25 cm) すん
3 つくり Radical on the right inch, (2.25 cm) すんづくり a variant of ⼨(すん)
3 small しょう
3 かんむり Radical on the top small しょうかんむり a variant of ⼩(しょう)
3 つくり Radical on the right lame leg だいのまげあし
3 たれ Radical which 'hangs down' corpse, awning しかばね
3 sprout くさのめ
3 mountain やま
3 へん Radical on the left mountain やまへん a variant of ⼭(やま)
3 かんむり Radical on the top mountain やまかんむり a variant of ⼭(やま)
3 winding river まがりがわ
3 river さんぼんがわ a variant of ⼮(まがりがわ)
3 work, carpenter, skill たくみ
3 へん Radical on the left work, carpenter, skill たくみへん a variant of ⼯(たくみ)
3 self おのれ
3 cloth はば
3 へん Radical on the left cloth はばへん a variant of ⼱(はば)
3 to dry, shield かん
3 young, slight いとがしら
3 たれ Radical which 'hangs down' slanting roof まだれ Important
3 にょう Radical which wraps around the bottom to move, stretch えんにょう
3 あし Radical on the bottom folded hands にじゅうあし
3 javelin いぐるみ
3 bow (in archery) ゆみ
3 へん Radical on the left bow (in archery) ゆみへん a variant of ⼸(ゆみ)
3 pig's head けいがしら
3 pig's head けいがしら a variant of ⼹(けいがしら)
3 pig's head けいがしら a variant of ⼹(けいがしら)
3 つくり Radical on the right hair-style, light rays さんづくり
3 へん Radical on the left step, stride, street, to go ぎょうにんべん Important
3 かんむり Radical on the top grass くさかんむり a variant of ⾋(くさ) Important
3 にょう Radical which wraps around the bottom road, walk, to advance しんにょう a variant of ⾡(しんにょう) Important
3 つくり Radical on the right village, country, city おおざと a variant of ⾢(むら) Important
3 へん Radical on the left hill, mound こざとへん a variant of ⾩(こざと) Important
3 かんむり Radical on the top Katakana Tsu
3 へん Radical on the left heart, mind, spirit りっしんべん a variant of ⼼(こころ) Important
3 へん Radical on the left hand てへん a variant of ⼿(て) Important
3 へん Radical on the left water さんずい a variant of ⽔(みず) Important
3 へん Radical on the left beast けものへん a variant of ⽝(いぬ) Important
4 heart, mind, spirit こころ
4 あし Radical on the bottom heart, mind, spirit したごころ a variant of ⼼(こころ)
4 spear, weapon ほこ
4 door
4 たれ Radical which 'hangs down' door とだれ a variant of ⼾(と)
4 ⼿ hand
4 branch しにょう
4 つくり Radical on the right activity, to strike, hit ぼくづくり
4 つくり Radical on the right activity, to strike, hit ぼくづくり a variant of ⽁(ぼくづくり) Important
4 literature, letters ぶん
4 つくり Radical on the right big dipper, ladle, 18 liters ますづくり
4 つくり Radical on the right axe おのづくり
4 direction, flag ほう
4 へん Radical on the left direction, flag ほうへん a variant of ⽅(ほう)
4 not むにょう
4 sun, day, time
4 へん Radical on the left sun, day, time ひへん a variant of ⽇(ひ) Important
4 to say ひらび
4 moon, month, period つき
4 へん Radical on the left moon, month, period つきへん a variant of ⽉(つき)
4 meat, flesh にくづき a variant of ⾁(にく) Important
4 tree, wood
4 へん Radical on the left tree, wood きへん a variant of ⽊(き) Important
4 to lack, yawn あくび
4 to stop とめる
4 death & dying, to decompose がつ
4 へん Radical on the left death & dying, to decompose がつへん a variant of ⽍(がつ)
4 つくり Radical on the right lance shaft, action るまた
4 not, mother なかれ
4 to compare くらべる
4 hair
4 family, clan うじ
4 きがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji steam, air きがまえ
4 water みず
4 fire
4 へん Radical on the left fire ひへん a variant of ⽕(ひ) Important
4 あし Radical on the bottom fire れっか a variant of ⽕(ひ) Important
4 claw, nail つめ
4 かんむり Radical on the top claw, nail つめかんむり a variant of ⽖(つめ)
4 かんむり Radical on the top claw, nail つめかんむり a variant of ⽖(つめ)
4 father ちち
4 to mix こう
4 へん Radical on the left split wood しょうへん
4 split wood かた
4 へん Radical on the left split wood かたへん a variant of ⽚(かた)
4 fang, canine tooth きば
4 cow うし
4 へん Radical on the left cow うしへん a variant of ⽜(うし)
4 dog いぬ
4 へん Radical on the left jewelry, jeweled king おうへん a variant of ⽟(たま) Important
4 へん Radical on the left altar, festival, religious service しめすへん a variant of ⽰(しめす) Important
4 net あみがしら a variant of ⽹(あみ)
4 かんむり Radical on the top old, old-age おいかんむり a variant of ⽼(おいかんむり)
5 darkness げん
5 jewelry たま
5 melon うり
5 tile かわら
5 sweet あまい
5 birth, to be born, live うまれる
5 to use もちいる
5 rice paddy
5 へん Radical on the left rice paddy たへん a variant of ⽥(た)
5 bolt of cloth ひき
5 へん Radical on the left bolt of cloth ひきへん a variant of ⽦(ひき)
5 たれ Radical which 'hangs down' sickness やまいだれ Important
5 かんむり Radical on the top outspread legs, departure はつがしら
5 white しろ
5 へん Radical on the left white はくへん a variant of ⽩(しろ)
5 skin, hide けがわ
5 plate, bowl さら
5 eye
5 へん Radical on the left eye めへん a variant of ⽬(め) Important
5 かんむり Radical on the top eye よこめ a variant of ⽬(め)
5 halberd ほこ
5 へん Radical on the left halberd ほこへん a variant of ⽭(ほこ)
5 arrow
5 へん Radical on the left arrow やへん a variant of ⽮(や)
5 stone いし
5 へん Radical on the left stone いしへん a variant of ⽯(いし)
5 altar, festival, religious service しめす
5 footprint じゅうのあし
5 へん Radical on the left grain のぎへん Important
5 hole, cave あな
5 かんむり Radical on the top hole, cave あなかんむり a variant of ⽳(あな) Important
5 to stand たつ
5 へん Radical on the left to stand たつへん a variant of ⽴(たつ)
5 fang, canine tooth きば a variant of (きば)
5 へん Radical on the left fang, canine tooth きばへん a variant of ⽛(きば)
5 water したみず a variant of ⽔(みず)
5 かんむり Radical on the top net あみがしら a variant of ⽹(あみ)
5 𦉰 net あみがしら a variant of ⽹(あみ)
5 へん Radical on the left clothing ころもへん a variant of ⾐(ころも) Important
5 not むにょう a variant of ⽆(むにょう)
6 bamboo たけ
6 かんむり Radical on the top bamboo たけかんむり a variant of ⽵(たけ) Important
6 rice こめ
6 へん Radical on the left rice こめへん a variant of ⽶(こめ) Important
6 thread いと
6 へん Radical on the left thread いとへん a variant of ⽷(いと) Important
6 earthen jar みずがめ
6 net あみめ
6 sheep ひつじ
6 sheep ひつじ a variant of ⽺(ひつじ)
6 feather, wing はね
6 feather, wing はね a variant of 羽(はね)
6 old, old-age おいかんむり
6 and also しこうして
6 へん Radical on the left plow らいすき
6 ⽿ ear みみ
6 へん Radical on the left ear みみへん a variant of ⽿(みみ)
6 writing brush ふでづくり
6 flesh, meat にく
6 retainer, minister しん
6 self みずから
6 to arrive, reach いたる
6 へん Radical on the left to arrive, reach いたるへん a variant of ⾄(いたる)
6 mortar, quern うす
6 tongue した
6 contrary, to err まいあし
6 ship, boat ふね
6 へん Radical on the left ship, boat ふねへん a variant of ⾈(ふね)
6 boundary こん
6 color いろ
6 grass, plant くさ
6 かんむり Radical on the top tiger とらがしら
6 worm, insect, bug むし
6 へん Radical on the left worm, insect, bug むしへん a variant of ⾍(むし) Important
6 blood
6 ぎょうがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji to go ぎょうがまえ Important
6 clothing ころも
6 cover, west にし
6 cover, west にし a variant of ⾑(にし)
6 melon うり a variant of ⽠(うり)
7 to see みる
7 horn, corner つの
7 へん Radical on the left horn, corner つのへん a variant of ⾓(つの)
7 words, to speak, say げん
7 へん Radical on the left words, to speak, say ごんべん a variant of ⾔(げん) Important
7 valley たに
7 へん Radical on the left valley たにへん a variant of ⾕(たに)
7 bean まめ
7 へん Radical on the left bean まめへん a variant of ⾖(まめ)
7 pig いのこ
7 へん Radical on the left badger むじなへん
7 shell, property, wealth かい
7 へん Radical on the left shell, property, wealth かいへん a variant of ⾙(かい) Important
7 red あか
7 to run はしる
7 にょう Radical which wraps around the bottom to run そうにょう a variant of ⾛(はしる) Important
7 foot, leg あし
7 へん Radical on the left foot, leg あしへん a variant of ⾜(あし) Important
7 body
7 へん Radical on the left body みへん a variant of ⾝(み)
7 vehicle, wheel, car くるま
7 へん Radical on the left vehicle, wheel, car くるまへん a variant of ⾞(くるま) Important
7 bitter からい
7 Fifth zodiac sign, 7–9 A.M. しんのたつ
7 to advance, move ahead しんにょう
7 community むら
7 sake jar, bird ひよみのとり
7 へん Radical on the left sake jar, bird とりへん a variant of ⾣(ひよみのとり)
7 to separate のごめ
7 へん Radical on the left to separate のごめへん a variant of ⾤(のごめ)
7 village, (3.93 km) さと
7 へん Radical on the left village, (3.93 km) さとへん a variant of ⾥(さと)
7 retainer, minister しん a variant of ⾂(しん)
7 contrary, to err まいあし a variant of ⾇(まいあし)
7 wheat むぎ a variant of ⿆(むぎ)
8 metal, gold, mineral かね
8 へん Radical on the left metal, gold, mineral かねへん a variant of ⾦(かね) Important
8 long ながい
8 もんがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji gate, door もんがまえ Important
8 hill こざと
8 つくり Radical on the right to capture れいづくり
8 small bird ふるとり
8 rain あめ
8 かんむり Radical on the top rain あめかんむり a variant of ⾬(あめ) Important
8 blue, green あお
8 blue, green あお a variant of ⾭(あお)
8 wrong, non- あらず
8 へん Radical on the left food, to eat しょくへん a variant of ⾷(しょく)
8 alike せい a variant of ⿑(せい)
9 face, surface めん
9 leather つくりがわ
9 leather なめしがわ
9 leek にら
9 sound, noise おと
9 つくり Radical on the right head, page おおがい Important
9 wind かぜ
9 to fly とぶ
9 food, to eat しょく
9 head くび
9 scent かおり
10 horse うま
10 へん Radical on the left horse うまへん a variant of ⾺(うま)
10 bone ほね
10 へん Radical on the left bone ほねへん a variant of ⾻(ほね)
10 high たかい
10 かんむり Radical on the top long hair かみかんむり
10 もんがまえ Radical which encloses the kanji fighting たたかいがまえ
10 ⾿ herbs においざけ
10 tripod れき
10 demon おに
10 leather なめしがわ a variant of (なめしがわ)
11 fish うお
11 へん Radical on the left fish うおへん a variant of ⿂(うお) Important
11 bird とり
11 salt しお
11 deer しか
11 wheat むぎ
11 hemp あさ
11 かんむり Radical on the top hemp あさかんむり a variant of ⿇(あさ)
11 yellow a variant of ⿈(き)
11 black くろ a variant of ⿊(くろ)
11 turtle かめ a variant of ⿔(かめ)
12 yellow
12 millet きび
12 black くろ
12 embroider ぬいとり
12 tooth a variant of ⿒(は)
13 frog かえる
13 tripod かなえ
13 drum つづみ
13 rat, mouse ねずみ
14 nose はな
14 alike せい
15 tooth
16 dragon りゅう
16 turtle かめ
17 flute やく


The English meanings of each radical in Kanji alive are based on Kanji & Kana by Wolfgang Hadamitzky & Mark Spahn, (1981), Tuttle Publishing with additional reference to Basic Kanji by Matsuo Soga & Michio Yusa (1989), Taishūkan, and Andrew N. Nelson, The Original Modern Reader's Japanese-English Character Dictionary: Classic Edition, 2nd. ed. (1974), Tuttle Publishing. The Japanese names for the radicals are based on『講談社カラー版日本語大辞典』(第一版)1989, 講談社.

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